Published by the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra


Research and Stories through a Gendered Lens

Category: Weekly Wrap
BroadAgenda Wraps the Week

BroadAgenda Wraps the Week

Our weekly roundup of what's news and newsworthy in gender equality.Greetings Friends: Virginia is on leave, so this week’s BroadAgenda wrap comes to you from my sunny garden in Canberra.For a...

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

(Photo: NZ PM Jacinda Ardern addresses the nation in a sweatshirt on Facebook, after putting 'the toddler' to bed)This week I got cranky. Which to those who know me, is no real surprise! But what...

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

As we learn to grapple with our changing world, wondering how long this strangeness might last and when a new normal might settle in, I was deeply saddened and unsettled this week by the death of...

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

BroadAgenda Weekly Wrap

I woke this morning thinking about speed-dating. If only we’d thought to deploy it yesterday at our Seize the CSW Moment conference!What an amazing group of people gathered – at short notice – to...

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