Content notification: This article contains discussion of sexual assault and violence Editor’s note: The author of this piece has requested to publish anonymously due to concerns about her safety...
Aged care: if these were children, we’d be outraged
During the months that the Aged Care Royal Commission conducted its business, we heard tragic and horrific stories of vulnerable older people who were subjected to unimaginable abuse and neglect.
The Commissioners said it is a national shame that up to 50 sexual assaults take place every week in aged care. These are just the reported cases. How many more are silently ignored?
When women get demonised for speaking out
Is it worse to commit the act, or to say that the act was done? I grew up with a Mum who was a family law solicitor in a medium-sized country town. As you would expect, she had to keep her lips...
Aussie girls smash skateboarding championships in the US
Two Australian girls, Chloe Covell (aged 13) and Arisa Trew (also 13) have just won gold in the Street and Park divisions at the latest X-Games competitions in California. The X-Games is, to...
Women and Whitlam: “A mixture of radicalism and pragmatism”
The Whitlam government of 1972–75 transformed Australia. And yet the scope and scale of the reforms for Australian women are often overlooked. A new book called Women and Whitlam: Revisiting the...
“Be ruthless with structures and kind with people”
Having initiated one of Australia’s most successful campaigns against sexual assault, Chanel Contos shares some valuable advice: “Be ruthless with structures and kind with people.” Chanel believes...
Understanding and addressing everyday sexisms in Australian universities
“Well sometimes I don't feel like I belong and that I'm taking up someone else’s space […] I don't want to paint this big dark picture, but that's the easiest way for me to describe it - that I'm...
Parliament House sex assault survivor calls for redress scheme
Wednesday marks a year since Sex Commissioner Kate Jenkins’s Set the Standard report was published. The report described people’s experiences of bullying, sexual harassment, and sexual assault in...
An urgent, joint letter – costs in sexual harassment litigation
Here at BroadAgenda and the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation at the University of Canberra, we are proud signatories to a joint letter that has been tabled in Federal Parliament this week. We believe the...