Published by the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra


Research and Stories through a Gendered Lens

BroadTalk with Ashleigh Streeter-Jones

Feb 26, 2021 | Podcast, Feature

BroadTalk is back for 2021 – with a deep dive into gender equality, asking a diverse range of leaders, activists and big thinkers… “are we there yet? and if not why not?”.

 Today meet Ashleigh Streeter-Jones…

How can ambitious young women forge forward in a world not shaped for them? Or by them? When gender inequality snaps at their heels, no matter where they look … at work, at play, and in those bastions of male power – politics and parliament. What can the future look like, when the ‘now’ is riddled with news about sexual harassment and patriarchy?

Ashleigh Streeter-Jones is a 26-year-old, global award-winning feminist advocate, named by Forbes as one of Asia’s ’30 Under 30’ “youthful visionaries”. Her early introduction to entrenched poverty and inequality left Ash mired in a severe, ‘reverse culture shock’ during her teens. But the jolt fired a determination to drive change, and set her off on a path of youth leadership. Audacious and energetic, she has already inspired many young girls to get politically active.

In this new 2021 series of BroadTalk host Virginia Haussegger tackles both the policy and the personal issues around gender equality, as she asks ‘are we there yet? And if not, why not?’

In this raw and delicate discussion about what it’s like to push back against the rolling tide of inequality, Ash explains how at times young women feel simply overwhelmed. And how maintaining her energy, whilst also honouring her passion, has come at a considerable cost.

BroadTalk is hosted by Virginia Haussegger and produced by Martyn Pearce.

You can read about Ash’s experience as a participant at Davos 2021 here on BroadAgenda.

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