Published by the Faculty of Business, Government and Law, University of Canberra


Research and Stories through a Gendered Lens

Beyond #MeToo: Sexism, workplace harassment and law reform

Jul 13, 2020 | News

Written by Pia Rowe

You are invited to join our online BroadAgenda Public Talk Series webinar  
Beyond #MeToo: Sexism, workplace harassment and law reform

Since the #MeToo movement first came to light in 2017, sexual harassment and unacceptable workplace behaviours have come under intense public scrutiny – and yet we continue to be surprised by reports of high-profile men in postions of power who abuse their privileged authority in organisations across Australia – from judges’ chambers to corporate boardrooms.

When women are confronted by issues of sexual harassment or gender imbalance in the workplace, career progression isn’t all that’s at stake. So too is their personal dignity, emotional wellbeing and physical safety. Every day a woman endures inequality and harassment at work – of any kind – her basic human rights are being compromised.

After all the talk, the inquiries, investigations and now a comprehensive Human Rights Report on Sexual Harassment in the Workplace – our panel asks what now? What next? Who is listening? Who must act? 


DATE: Wednesday 29 July
TIME: 11.30am -12.30pm
VENUE: Online Zoom meeting
HOST: Virginia Haussegger; Chief Editor, BroadAgenda
PANELLISTS: Jacqueline Maley (Sydney Morning Herald, senior journalist & columnist); Kate Jenkins (Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner); and Professor Kim Rubenstein (Co-Director 50/50 by 2030 Foundation, University of Canberra)


This event is being hosted by the 50/50 by 2030 Foundation, BGL, University of Canberra.

Book now, tickets are selling fast! 

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